The Friends of the La Jolla Branch Library was established in 1980 as a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation to provide our patrons, community members and friends an enduring way to support the specific needs and activities of the La Jolla Branch Library and all we serve.
Thank you for considering a donation to the Friends of the La Jolla Branch Library. There are a number of ways to make this lasting contribution:
Direct Donations - a plaque will be placed on our donor wall for any donation $1000.00 and above, to honor the donor, family, or friends, or in memory of a loved one, at the donor's direction. Larger donations are recognized on a reserved donor wall at the Library entrance.
Bequests and Transfers - naming the Friends of the La Jolla Branch Library in your estate plan.
Transfers of Stock - making a contribution of real property; retirement accounts; or a contribution of an income producing asset, but for which you receive a lifetime income. We suggest you contact your estate planning attorney or tax advisor to see how these vehicles of support may benefit you.
Please contact the Friends of the La Jolla Branch Library board president for further questions at president@lajollalibrary.org. Thank you for your support!